Register to this Academy course

Thank you for your interest in Scottie Academy courses. Your application will be for the immediate course available and only Scottish Terrier dogs can be enrolled. Please note we do not accept applications less than 14 days prior to the commencement of the course. You will have to complete Cameo before you qualify to apply for Co-Star or for Star levels.

Are you a member of Scottie Club UK?


Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions of the enrolment on Scottie Academy courses and if you agree, tick the box below to consent. Then send your completed form using the SEND button. The terms and conditions, although accepted by you at this stage, are only binding on both parties once you receive a special email from us within 72 hours and pay remittance for your course. Please note payments must be received no later than 10 days prior to the commencement date of the next course for which you have applied to ensure funds clear in time. We offer refunds at our discretion in exceptional circumstances only.

I have read and accept your terms and conditions