UK members admitted four times a year

As you may have read earlier this year, Scottie Club UK now focuses on its UK membership to best support the Scotties, the Very Important Pooches. As LSC is only possible through the help of...

What's New?

Scotify | Podcasts

EP 41: Introducing Scottie.Academy

Could your Scottie perform tricks and maybe become a Hollywood legend? Scottie.Academy is the way to find out. Kathleen Tepperies tells George Matlock about the new training course designed especially for Scottish Terriers in the UK. For more info visit www.Scottie.Academy 

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Scottie Club UK Join

Walkabouts Event Planner

  • 23/03/25
  • 28/06/25
  • 28/09/25
  • 13/12/25
This Planner is subject to change for exceptional reasons up to 48 hours before an event is due. Location, and any changes, are announced only on LSC WhatsApp Alerts and Convo groups.

What our members say about their Scotties




Merlin loves to protect our garden from foxes, play fetch, and take long naps.