You may remember earlier this summer we gave you guidance on ensuring that the photos you register for your Scotties is “passport style”. That means no human in the photo, a good close up of the face and body, and if you are good with technical settings and able to blur the background even better!

That was important because we are preparing for Member Tags for all dogs in the group. To clarify, the Tags are actually worn on a lanyard by owners, rather than the dogs!

We need Member Tags to protect owners and their Scotties as well as to have a better understanding of attendance at our events. Testing for the new Member Tags continues in earnest and we hope to have more news for you in September on its progress.


Now we need your help!

As we prepare for Member Tags, which will bear the first name of the owner, a photo of their dog(s) and a special QR code for scanning at our events, now is a really super duper time to check whether you are happy with the photo you supplied when you registered to join the Scottie Club UK.

We have taken a quick look and found some photos of black Scotties taken in very dark surroundings, or photos that don’t show your Scotties at their best.

Over the next 2 weeks we will start to blur objects in the photo that surround you dog so that your Scottie is the main point of focus – as it should be!

Printing of Member Tags will not start until October but once we start – whatever is your dog’s photo in the Member area will be the one that we print. It will then be too late to amend it. The first Member Tag is issued FREE. However, anyone who loses their Member Tag or wants it amended after it is printed, will be charged £15 admin fee. So let’s try to avoid this please.

You can find your dogs by using the search feature on the page and as some owners have the same dog name, please be patient and scroll through to find your own.


Important checklist:


  • No humans in the photo. Avoid too many objects in the background. Protect your privacy!
  • Avoid objects in foreground (such as bushes) obscuring part of the dog’s body as these can create a white gap in them!
  • Ensure a bright lit area for your photo. Can be indoors or even better outdoors!
  • Try to seat your Scottie so that the face is in view.
  • Do not stress your dog by trying to be too demanding on them. Take a few photos and hope for the best!


If you want to change the photo, please ensure that you use the Contact Us form here and attach your preferred photo with it no later than 24 August 2021.

And remember: do it now or regret later.

Thank you.

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