healthyWhat gives them that Scottie bounce? We will talk to health experts to provide professional advice and offer podcasts called Scottie MOT pawed-casts, from London Scottie Radio on a range of health issues, as well as field your questions. If you have a health-related question, please use our form here to submit yours. You can include a photo or short video if this would help diagnosis. Please be patient while we assess and respond by email and/or article on the Healthy Scotties Tips page here and/or podcast broadcast).

Members also share tips on the LSC WhatsApp Convo group. But please be aware that such advice is not necessarily professional or experienced advice, is not endorsed by Scottie Club UK in any way, and cannot be relied upon. You choose to follow such well-intentioned advice at your own risk. If your dog is displaying symptoms which you are concerned by, we always recommend that you consult your vet in the first instance.

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