Scottie Club UK is no virtual Scottie fan club. Instead, it is all about members actually meeting and clicking. But we have a more literal request for members this year.

We want your photos of your Scotties and the best 12 or 15 will be selected for our first-ever wall calendar for 2020.

Already our WhatsApp Convo group has proven just how brilliant some of the photos are.

Full members of LSC are eligible to send up to FIVE of their best photos of their Scotties to us for consideration by no later than 30 November 2019.

You can select photos starting October 2018 through to November 2019 for the calendar. That way we hope to have a few Santa Scottie photos to include for the December month. But don’t forget other highlights like St Andrews Day, Burns Night, Easter or even Wimbledon tennis!

Here is a very London-style photo taken on the metro. “Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner that I love London so…”


You must own the copyright of the photos you submit.

There is no monetary value paid for the photos but credit will be included if published next to each photo of the owner and name of their dog featured.

Try to make the photos “seasonal” so that they have a higher chance of inclusion for the relevant month.

Only Full Members of the Scottie Club UK are eligible to participate.

Please send your photos in one batch with the title in the email “Calendar” in their best original resolution if possible. Email is essential as WhatsApp can compress a photo.

Please send your submissions to

With summer and autumn on their way, now is a great time to snap new Scottie photos or to wade through recent photos.

We thank everyone for their contributions.

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