If your little darlings have a particular spring in their step on the 25th of January, it’s because it’s the day of their National Bard- the incomparable Rabbie Burns. Not many people know that before he penned Tae A Moose, he was originally going to call it Tae A...

Next Walkabouts – South West London

03 April 2022 from 13:30 until 15:30 As published on our website, the next Walkabout event will take place on 3 April from 130pm to 330pm. Earlier this week, a glitch meant that the latest event was not included in our newsletter. Hence, we have decided to...
Next Walkabouts – Monopoly Game

Next Walkabouts – Monopoly Game

27 February 2022 from 13:30 until 15:30 London – All details via WhatsApp Regulations: We request that all owners attending our Walkabout meetings ensure they maintain full control over their dogs at all times.
Click for Calendar

Click for Calendar

Scottie Club UK is no virtual Scottie fan club. Instead, it is all about members actually meeting and clicking. But we have a more literal request for members this year. We want your photos of your Scotties and the best 12 or 15 will be selected for our first-ever...
That was…The Year of the Dog: Watson

That was…The Year of the Dog: Watson

We conclude our series of Year of the Dog blogs with this amazing globetrotting pooch called Watson and owned by Kate. Read how Watson spent time on the QMII cruise liner and then travelled around the UK. Watson made the most of the Year of the Dog! He scampered into...