“Hello. I am Amy, and together with my friends Emma and Brian, we will be delivering website news from Scottie Club UK in audio format!

My area is News. Emma handles Event Reports, and Brian looks after the Did You Know section which you can find under TIPs.”

These are the new voices reading your stories on the Scottie Club UK’s website. Innovation and development that was actually five years in the making. In 2016 we announced plans for the service. Now at last we are able to launch it!

Go to a particular story and just hit the player button near the top, just under the main photograph. Stories since 2021 are now available both as text on the website, or press the player button and the text will be read back to you by one of us readers.

The advantages are that if you are out walking your dog you can listen to the latest stories from Scottie Club UK. Audio means that we can now provide access to visually impaired people.

This new service is in addition to London Scottie Radio podcasts which you can listen to from this website or from podcast apps.

We will be rolling out Blog on the Go service to stories before 2021 if the feedback from listeners is good. So please give us a nudge. Comment on how you find this new service. Thank you.


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