Attention all brainy Scotties, oh and their owners we hope! On Sunday March 29 we will be turning over the scheduled Zoom meeting to contestants in a quiz.
Hot on the hooves of Cath Marchbank’s useful tips for keeping your Scottie occupied at home while we all self-isolate, we decided to host a proper quiz on Zoom. As a sideshow, see Sharon’s video of Hamish locating the right cup with a treat at the base!
With questions compiled by member Zelda Malan, your host George Matlock will ask ten questions of Scottie Club UK members who tune in on Zoom to find out who is the smartest phone. Clearly I left my brain somewhere else. No, smartest Scottie owner in London! That’s better.
Zoom is a web conferencing app that you can download to a mobile phone or tablet, or simply login on a PC or Mac using the unque URL for the event that gets circulated in advance via WhatsApp exclusively for members.
As we enter a second month in self-isolation and social-distancing courtesy of the Coronavirus pandemic, LSC is making full use of virtual visual meetings as our regular meetings have been suspended since early March. In addition to the highly engaging WhatsApp LSC Convo group, we are now offering Zoom free to members so that they can stay connected with their pals in the club and a wave no longer needs to be quite so virtual.
Last Saturday’s hit pilot of Zoom by LSC members (see video and report) was followed up by an equally well-attended Zoom on Sunday where members could raise issues related to these difficult times.
But at 8pm this Sunday, LSC will see the Funday side of Sunday as we open up with a quiz. Here is how it will work.
Quiz Rules:
Members will only be admitted to the quiz if they are members of the club. So no point sharing the URL with non-members. All members must have connected at 8pm and the contest will begin at 8.10pm if there was anything else people wanted to discuss first.
All those signing in will be treated as contestants. George will read out 10 questions. As each question is read out contestants, who will have their mics muted, must wave to get our attention on screen. The first to wave gets to answer the question for a point. Zelda will then say whether it is correct or wrong. If it is wrong the contestant who answered wrong will be barred from answering the question again but all other contestants will be able to have a second attempt. Again by waving hand frantically. No one should wave until the question has been asked. So you can’t reserve your spot!
Everyone will be allowed to hear contestants answers as well as the host’s questions and Zelda’s verifications. But it is the responsibility of members to ensure their speakers are on.
Helping George on the look-out for the first person to wave after the question has been asked will be Zelda Malan and Fraser Grant. The decision of who is agreed to have waved first after the question was read out will be by majority – unless all three judges George, Zelda and Fraser cannot agree. In which case we will move on to the next question. Hopefully it won’t come to that!
The contestant with the most number of points – one point for each correct answer – will be declared the winner after the 10 questions have been served.
This will be a fun quiz, so no prizes or cash alternatives will be awarded to the winner. We will be recording the event so that it can be published on the website. Find out how the smartest Scottie owner on the day did it. Gripping stuff! Wishing you all the best of luck!