Scottie Club UK loves to hear about Scotties from yesteryear. In 2021, we featured the story of a Scottie called Wee-bit owned by Jane Fiddick, and that became the subject of a podcast you can find on our Scotify page here.

Today we share another remarkable story – again from 1947 – of another Scottie and we launch a new series of articles called Scottie Stories. If you have a Scottie Story for us please use the contact form and you can attach a word file and photos there.

Back to our Scottie Story…

Hannah, one of our members, only became aware that her father had grown up with a scottie during and after World War II after her family acquired their own scottie puppy, Bobby, in December 2020.

She discovered that wartime hero Ghillie had moved in with her father and his family at the beginning of the War while Ghillie’s mistress was posted away from her home with the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. Hannah asked her father to share some photos and memories of Ghillie with the Scottie Club UK. Ghillie, it is clear, was a typical feisty scottie!

Our thanks to Hannah’s family for allowing us to reproduce photos from 1947 featuring Ghillie, as well as dad’s two sound clips from January 2022 about their family Scottie.

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