Meet The Very Important Pooches



    • Boy
    • Dog date of birth: 12 April 2016
    • Owner: Fraser
    • Country:
    • Have you had your dog since they were puppies?: Yes
    • Was your dog a rescue dog?: No
    • How long have you been parent to Scotties?: 5 years
    • Do you have any Scottie Dog memorabilia? If yes, what kind?:

      I have almost everything you can thing of. Mugs, broaches, statues, facemasks, hand gels, cushions, blankets , shortbread tins and pictures

    • Highlights of my dog’s life:

      Douglas is a proud, playful, aloof and loving prince. He is incredibly handsome and loves the ladies. He likes an early night and a long lie and is perhaps not the most energetic of Scotties, preferring to sniff and wander at his own pace. However, should he see a cat or a squirrel then his whole demeanour changes and he becomes a ferocious beast. Douglas is Aries and his favourite treat is a venison bone

What our members say about their Scottie



Likes to make her presence felt. Watches football with her eyes closed.

Ready to share tender moments?

Our mission is to recognise, celebrate and promote best practices for keeping Scottish Terrier Dogs, to mutually support our members, and make the general public aware of this complicated, special and rare breed.