Meet The Very Important Pooches
- Boy
- Dog date of birth: 1 April 2015
- Owner: George & Anch
- Country: UK
- Have you had your dog since they were puppies?: Yes
- Was your dog a rescue dog?: No
- How long have you been parent to Scotties?: 7 years
- Do you have any Scottie Dog memorabilia? If yes, what kind?:
Tea Towels, Kitchen aprons, mugs, club memorabilia!
- Highlights of my dog’s life:
Pudding is our second arrival. A Wheaten he has a fearless temper but is sweet indoors.


What our members say about their Scottie

I am a true free spirit. When Mum first saw me I had just learned to walk (or maybe that’s tumble) and I was trying to escape from my enclosure. I was the first to break out and find my scottie Mum’s dinner. Mungo, my mate, taught me to dig when I first arrived, and I’ve been digging ever since. Unfortunately we have a courtyard garden and although I’ve tried very hard to dig under the walls, I’ve not been successful at breaking out. Mum is paranoid about the gate – double bolted and regularly checked. There is, however, a weak spot. There is a small area of fencing separating our garden from one of the neighbours. We got Mum into dreadful trouble – she thought she’d dog proofed the fence but one day, when no one was looking, we managed to pull off a bit of gate and break through. We left a few deposits on the artificial lawn (Mum had to remove them and wash the lawn), knocked over a low wall and there was a bit of breakage to some ceramic ornaments. Mum had lots of apologising to do, had to replace the ornaments and we are waiting for a new gate and fencing to be put in. It was great fun and I spend much of my time, when I am in the garden trying, to return to say hello to the lovely neighbours. Anyway, when I am not digging, I’m climbing. Managed to get onto the ironing board and dining room table, all over the lounge furniture and there are lots of places to climb in the garden. Unfortunately getting down is a bit trickier, so I occasionally need rescuing. Thoroughly enjoying life and looking forward to lots of adventures. Signed: Alba.
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Our mission is to recognise, celebrate and promote best practices for keeping Scottish Terrier Dogs, to mutually support our members, and make the general public aware of this complicated, special and rare breed.