Members of a certain age may remember the 1979 hit song “Nice Legs Shame About Her Face” by The Monks. This fusion punk band’s rebellious lyrics later lash out at the annual boat race on the River Thames too.
Scottie Club UK Members and their VIPs were not thrown off the scent by some Varsity Boat Race that no one had much missed in its three year absence, nor were our Scotties intimidated by the presence of Dinosaurs in a make-shift themed amusement park, when they descended on Gunnersbury Park in west London on Sunday.
A total of 11 Scotties were present, as owners braved parking shortages. We were joined by event stalwart Rocky from Guildford, and Maisie’s parents made a 2-hour dash from the Essex coast to join us. The weather was rather nice and sunny, and the dogs enjoyed themselves while owners had ample time for chatter.
As a little reward for making the event, dog treats were dished out on a first come, first served basis. Some of these were then shared among the dogs as the true spirit of community shone through. Scottie Club UK at its best.
We heard that VIP Fiona arrived in a shopping trolley. And at first we thought it was hammed up. But no, Fiona also departed in a shopping trolley! Talk about a cash and carry Scottie to rival the European supermarket brand Netto !
The Member Tag scanner worked even in low light and of course everyone who was logged this way will be entered into the Scottie Club UKÂ prize draw in December in association with Hasbro UK to win a Monopoly board game! Every time Members attend counts towards the draw!
Here are a few photos of this memorable day. Thanks everyone who came and for your photos!
Such a pleasure to meet up with other gorgeous Scotties and their charming owners! Super venue, lovely walk and great chat! What a treat on a Sunday afternoon!
Elegantly put. My take is – you have to walk the dog anyway, so why not do it in style and break the routine up a bit!
Great pictures!! So bad we missed it!
Hopefully we will meet you next time
Great article George and it was good to see everyone last Sunday, we all had a fun time with the Scottie hounds.
I haven’t heard your referenced pop track for many a year, its lyrics featuring Cockney rhyming slang of all things. Suitably encouraged to find it on Spotify and re-live my youth!
My youth too dear boy. LOL
See you next time we hope Patricia!
We meant to reply around about here 🙂 See you next time we hope Patricia!
The Scottie Posse had a whale of a time at Gunnersbury Park today, they all got along swimmingly, enjoyed their special treats, thanks for those George, and they are now sleeping soundly after a great afternoon walk. Well ours is snoring loudly, so I expect the others are sleeping too!
We love a snoring Scottie!