The Beatles had Penny Lane. Scottie Pudding has the famous Pudding Lane, where the Great Fire of London started in the 17th century.
As the theme tune to hit TV comedy Cheers would have it: “Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name.”
Does your Scottie share a street or park name?
In 2025, we are inviting Members of Scottie Club UK to send in portraits of your Scotties taken together with signage that resembles the name of your VIP.
Pudding is pictured here in Pudding Lane in London. If your Scottie matches with a road sign, we will publish a gallery of the best photos and one of those will be entered into a Lucky Draw to win a special hamper in time for Christmas!
But we must receive your single best photo no later than 1 November 2025 for entry by us into the Lucky Draw, which will be conducted from all accepted photos that we enter into a Gallery on this website on 5 November 2025.
And if you want your Scottie to star in something bigger, or simply want to learn tricks with your Scottie, don’t forget to sign up at the newly-opened Scottie Academy by 14 February 2025 for this academic year. Learn more here.
Tips on taking a good photo
- Use google maps or similar to locate a street or park that you can reach safely. Sorry matches with commercial entities, such as shops or restaurants cannot be accepted.
- The streets can be anywhere in the UK – just like our nationwide membership
- Take care on streets for cars, children, elderly crossing.
- Try to angle the camera to capture the street sign in your frame as well as your Scottie. For Pudding Lane we had to hold him, and the wall behind was too narrow to safely place Pudding on the wall. So take no risks!
- Although sunlight is ideal, dimmer light distribution can also be fine. The key point is to ensure that there are no contrasts – such as a shadow cast across your Scottie. You want equal light to reach Scottie and signage fully.
- Avoid pictures that identify persons other than the dog owner
- Owner in photo is not mandatory
- Approximate street names are accepted. Eg if your dog is called Mungo and the street is called Mungos Road or Mungoes Lane.
Important details
You have until 1 November 2025 to submit your best photo using our contact form. Include your name, email address, name of Scottie and attach the photo in as high a resolution as possible. Compressed photos lose quality, although we accept WhatsApp images as these are usually adequate. Pudding image is reproduced from a WhatsApp image!
Only Members of Scottie Club UK are allowed to enter this competition. A Lucky Draw will be conducted on 5 November to determine the prize winner. The prize will be delivered before Christmas 2025 to your Scottie Club UK registered address.
Good luck!