Scottie Club UK wants all of its members to enjoy our quarterly events, and to ensure this respects everyone’s privacy and fosters safety, a sense of community and fun.

This is why we are introducing some rules that are necessary to ensure orderly and successful events, meet-ups and walkabouts. We ask all Members to respect these rules for safety and well-being of all attending.

We also welcome your feedback on how the events can be improved, including occasional questionnaires that we will send to those attending Walkabouts.

• The member of the club (dog owner) is legally responsible for the actions of their VIP (Scottie dog or other canine attending) not Scottie Club UK.

• The member should present their Member Tag with QR code to a Meeting Marshal when invited to do so at the start of a Walkabout (registration). If a member cannot retrieve their Member Tag, they may give the Marshal their name and dogs name to be verified on our database. Regrettably, we cannot admit the dog owner without this verification.

• Walkabouts are exclusively for registered and valid Members of Scottie Club UK. Members can bring their non-Scottie canines and family members too. Most welcome! • We ask that members arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start of a Walkabout. For example 13:45 for 14:00 start.

• Any member who believes they will not arrive in time for the scheduled start of the walk, should contact WhatsApp Convo and provide their estimated time of arrival. It is at the Meeting Marshal’s discretion whether to wait longer, or to advise the Member to proceed to the end (or scheduled mid-point) of the Walk.

• Please plan your travel to avoid inconveniencing other group members. We recognise that it is not always possible to arrive at the exact prescribed time, but in order to provide full consideration to other group members it is important for everyone to allow sufficient travelling time, and be sure to notify the group if they are running late.

• As the Walkabouts are very popular, we ask that all members make their best endeavours to keep within close proximity of the group led by the Meeting Marshal.

• The Meeting Marshal has planned the route to be taken and considered a trip of a maximum of 2 hours. Please adhere to the route that has been arranged.

• If a member has an issue with another member’s or their VIP’s behaviour, they should seek out the Meeting Marshal and report the incident, not challenge the other member.

• Anyone who must exit the walkabout early, is asked to inform the Marshal as a courtesy. Much appreciated.

• Meeting Marshals number at least one at our events, often two. They will have identified themselves to you at the outset of the walk during registration.

• The Club requests Members to keep their VIPs on leads unless the Meeting Marshal has expressly indicated suitability for off-lead. If requested later, please re-secure your VIPs with your leads.

• If a Meeting Marshal witnesses or receives reorts that a VIP dog has been aggressive to another Member, their VIP or a member of the public, at their discretion the Marshal reserves the right to ask the Member to withdraw from that day’s Walkabout.

• Scottie Club UK is not, however, in any way liable or responsible for any accusations or allegations of injury made against the Member and it becomes a dispute between two individual parties to the exclusion of Scottie Club UK. If injury is proven by another party during the Walkabout, the Marshal will further reserve the right to both exclude the Member accused of causing injury from that day’s Walkabout and discuss with the accused Member whether it is appropriate for them to return for future Walkabouts. We understand that sometimes unrepeatable incidents can occur and we would prefer to find a solution that allows the accused Member to come back in future. This may involve keeping the aggressive dog at a distance from others or in extreme cases the owner may opt for a muzzle for their canine.

Scottie Club UK Committee, 8 October 2024

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