Meeting marshal Fraser Grant organised our first expedition to Windsor, a regal home perhaps befitting a previous monarchical fan of Scotties, HM Queen Victoria, and bagged our first-ever media coverage into the festive bargain.

With 16 Scotties appearing – one of our best-ever turnouts despite being outside of the M25 – the walk took place on 15 December 2019, and not only involved taking in the sights of green Eton and a photocall on Eton Bridge on a very sunny day, but also a stop by to petshop A Dog’s Life where special doggy bags were generously offered to members!

What is more, at least one of our group knows HM The Queen well and was able to tip off that we would be walking in the vicinity a few days before the walk! Hush beyond that.

It certainly felt like Christmas on this the last LSC walk of the year.

Many thanks to Fraser for all his efforts and thanks too to member Zelda Malan who created some lovely LSC badges with the names of dogs registered for the walk.

Members came from around London, with some of the furthest from Carshalton in Surrey.

We now let the Windsor Express pick up the rest of the story. With kind permission we reproduce the story below and include a link to the current place the story is archived by the newspaper. Photos courtesy of LSC members.

By Amy Horsfield
Windsor Express
16 December 2019

A pack of Scottish Terriers from the Scottie Club UK went on a stroll through Windsor and Eton on Sunday and helped raise awareness about the endangered breed.

Fraser Grant, 52, from Duke Street led a group of walkers from Scottie Club UK with his dogs Douglas, three, and Maggie, seven.

The breed has experienced a sharp decline as demand for cross-breeds such as Cockapoos has increased.

Last year less than 500 Scottish Terriers were born in the UK, causing the Kennel Club to declare the breed endangered.

“Scotties are a notoriously stubborn and independent breed and very difficult to train,” said Fraser.

“But they are so loyal and loving.

“Douglas and Maggie are very popular with the tourists, and if we ever stroll into town you can guarantee they will be photographed.”

Scottie Club UK was established by journalist George Matlock in 2016 to educate people about how to provide the best care for the breed.

“The Scottie Club UK has regular pack walks all over London, and as I am a meetings marshal I thought it would be lovely for Douglas and Maggie to show their friends how wonderful WIndsor is for walking dogs,” said Fraser.

“Scotties are the perfect iconic Christmas and New Year dog, and Windsor is probably at its finest over the festive season, so it seemed the obvious place to hold our Christmas walk.”

Maggie had given birth to six litters in a puppy farm before she was rescued by Friends of Animals Wales.

Visit for more information and to learn more about the Scottie Club UK.
Full story available here:

Fraser with the doggy bags
Windsor Castle in the frame
On Eton Bridge
Thirsty perishers!
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